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SCJP/OCPJP certification
Practice Exams and Training
Generics, Threads, Exceptions, Enums, Garbage Collection, OOP, etc...

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The SCJP/OCPJP 'clearing' video series

If you find yourself good at most parts of the exam OCPJP objectives, but not very much at some tough parts, this video series could be for you. We found that most people find generics, threads, exceptions, enums, garbage collection, and some twisty parts of OOP hard to follow. We made these videos to introduce some effective models to easily understand these parts.

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ELV2003 Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is a tricky part in all versions of SCJP / OCP JP exams. There are questions where you could be asked to find out the number of objects eligible for the garbage collector and name the exact objects that are eligible for the garbage collector.

This video introduces an easy method to solve garbage collection questions and demonstrate how that method can be used to easily solve even highly complex questions.

ELV2004 Exceptions

Using a practical analogy, this video tutorial demonstrates an easy way to solve all sorts of questions related to exception handling in Java. This also includes the complex flow control with a lot of inner try-catch-finally blocks.

At the end of the video, it also explains the role of exceptions in threads, and how a thrown exception would affect the thread causing it and/or the underlying JVM.

ELV2006 Threads and Concurrency

In this multi-threading tutorial video, we introduce a a new method, a short-cut, which you can use in the exam to solve thread questions at any complexity level. Basically, the video demonstrates the idea of mapping a thread to a living person, called as a 'guy'.

The tutorial starts with a basic explanation on how Java threads are connected with the infrastructure of threads at the operating system, and how the java.lang.Thread class is structured, which is an essential thing to know for the exam. Then it takes a lot of different kinds of tricky examples and questions to demonstrate how you can easily solve them by using the 'guy'-based analogy.

ELV2005 Java Generics Explained

This is a complete video tutorial that covers everything you need to know about generics in Java for your OCP JP exam. The video starts by demonstrating a scenario where Java would be awkward without generics. Then it shows the best workaround with the awesomeness of generics.

After introducing generics, this video tutorial enhances the same program in a step-by-step approach, demonstrating the practical usage of the trickiest parts in generics which are essential to know for the exam.

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