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SCJP/OCPJP 1.6 certification
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How to improve for SCJP


I am phasing the problem with core java,

I need to improve as possible as early, can you guide me how to prepare core java in depth.

How, I can improve my subject at internal process and architectural level.

Can you guide me which books are very useful at fundamental level and as well as high level of coding, which is useful in project level coding also.

Thanks & with Regards


Hi Dhanush,

Just to be sure: are you asking how to improve yourself for the SCJP/OCP JP exam? Or, how to improve yourself on making quality codes and best practices of software engineering?

The latter is not something Examlab covers for now, but I want to tell you that it only comes with practice and experience in developing real applications. You will need to find out possible ways where you can get busy coding for real applications. It would also help if you can get some sort of guidance/supervision at the same time.

Talking about improving for SCJP, we have an article explaining that: how to pass the SCJP exam

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