SCJP exam questions and answers
As you have landed on this page, I assume that you are practicing for your SCJP/OCPJP exam. It's obvious that you have this question in your mind: "how would SCJP exam questions look like?"
The simplest answer is they are bit strange. At least, they are stranger than the exams of your elementary school. The strangest part is that SCJP/OCPJP exam questions have a bias to narrow towards testing how 'good' you are at programming, instead of testing if you have memorized a whole study-guide. On the other hand, this is an exam that the mere 'knowledge' can't answer.
To understand what SCJP questions look like, you got to practice with some exams that has the similar strange-nature. However, if you practice only with questions that are in similar, or lesser difficulty level to the real exam, that's unfortunately not going to much good in the real exam. What you really need to do is practice with something that makes your real exam a piece of cake.
That's exactly what ExamLab does. ExamLab questions are strange as same as the real exam questions, however, they are much tricker than the real exam. This tricky-nature is what makes you well-prepared to the real exam. When you practice with ExamLab questions, and read the answers and explanations given, you will be like "oh wow that's true", and "oh I never thought in that way". This is the best definition I can give to elaborate what trickiness is and how it participates in your success in the exam.
The good news is ExamLab gives all these services for free.